Acoustic consultancy services are a critical requirement for residential and hotel developments

Control of external noise to habitable spaces is essential to provide conditions conducive to sleep and relaxation and specific limits must be achieved for daytime and night-time periods based WHO guidance and BS8233.

As such, Local Authorities often require that noise assessments form part of any planning submission especially where a development is located in busy city centres, close to main roads, industrial or entertainment noise sources.

Additionally, appropriate levels of sound insulation must be achieved between separate habitable spaces to comply with the requirements of Approved Document E and Hotel operators. Often, developers may consider an enhanced performance.

With AEC’s significant experience in the acoustic design of large residential, hotel and student accommodation blocks and even large housing estates, we can ensure that the all relevant criteria area achieved without over-designing separating structures or external envelope, which can add significant cost to a development.

Beetham Tower, Manchester

Examples of relevant projects, which AEC has worked on, include:

  • Premier Inn Hotel, Salford Central;
  • Beetham, Liverpool – a large mixed use commercial and residential development, including a 37 storey tower containing offices on lower floors and residential accommodation above plus a 28 storey residential tower and a multi-storey.
  • Downing Plaza – Large, multi-block student development in Newcastle upon Tyne;
  • Sefton Street, Liverpool – Multi-block student accommodation adjacent to city centre pubs and clubs.
  • Premier St Pauls Square, Liverpool & St Pauls Place, Sheffield – large mixed use new build developments containing residential, retail and office uses.
  • Royal Mills, Manchester – large refurbished developments containing mixed residential, commercial and retail uses.
  • New Housing Developments at numerous locations adjacent to major roads, railways and local industry

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